Customer projects
Swisscom TV
Swisscom provides the biggest set-top box TV offer for end-users in Switzerland. 200ok is working together with on building the content management system for both as well as integrating the two formerly disjunct products.
Bluewin is the second largest news site in Switzerland. 200ok is responsible for operations and deployment to the Bluewin development environment, as well as supporting Swisscom personnel in deploying to and operating the Staging and Production environments.
SWITCHengines provides compute and storage services in the form of virtual machines to researchers, lecturers and IT-services of Swiss universities and related institutions.
SRG SSR (Swissinfo)
Swissinfo is a ten-language news and information platform produced by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation.
Borneo Orang Utan Survival Schweiz
Borneo Organg Utan Survival Switzerland is working on creating awareness for the high rate of deforestation in Borneo which in turn destroys the habitat of the native Orang Utan. To support the cause, we have created a classic Jump And Run game which runs within the browser.
xSenda Portal
xSenda is working in predictive analytics. Based on big data, they generate business ideas and help their customers to implement them.
Wilmaa started in 2008 as the world-wide first provider of browser-based television. 200ok supports Wilmaa by building and maintaining several of their modules like "Live Stats" and the "Electroninc Program Guide" as well as consult utilizing the cloud for auto-scaling.
SVA is the most important social insurer in Switzerland. 200ok continuously supports them in their statistical analyses, in quality control and in coaching with regards to best practices in software engineering.
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung, short NZZ, is the oldest of the major newspaper brands in Switzerland and has a rich history of quality journalism across borders. 200ok was part in integrating their new content management solution Livingdocs.
Trifork consists of technology experts that enjoy delivering scalable and agile projects for complex business issues, in partnership with their customers. 200ok supports them by maintaining, operating and extending one of their products.
Sourcepole AG
Sourcepole offers services and develops customer specific solutions in the area of geoinformatics based on Open Source Software components. 200ok supported Sourcepole with a Traction workshop for their public cloud offering QGIS Cloud.
Insopor Zen Academy is a multilingual, SEO optimized website with over 500 landing pages, each with automated integrations into 8 social media networks. It feeds data from specialized microservices and has automated integration into Google Adwords.
Kunstmuseum Basel Chat
A mobile-first chat application with an admin back-end for Kunstmuseum Basel exhibitions.
Satcom International AG
Satcom develops their own applications in the areas of IoT and AI - they are thus breaking new grounds in the areas of resource management and automation. As Satcom was scaling their development team internationally, 200ok helped with that by establishing proven best practices in development and project management alike.