Combining sourceme with tmux is a small workflow improvement which I like to use when running 'complicated' dev setups. By 'complicated" I mean setups where you need multiple terminals to start multiple things.
Let me give you an arbitrary example to give you a sense of what kinds of situations I'm talking about: You often need to run some sorts of Docker containers (for example for the databases) and then some services which you actually develop - let's say a server and a front-end. In such a scenario, there's lots of redundant typing to be done every time you switch to this project:
- Start a first terminal
- Stop your system database
- Run docker-compose
- Start a second terminal
- Run the back-end server
- Start a third terminal
- Run the front-end server
Like I said, this is completely arbitrary - there's gazillions other complicated setups out there.
This manual mess can be solved by adding a custom function around tmux
into your .sourceme
startup () {
tmux new-session -d 'sudo service postgresql stop; docker-compose up'
tmux split-window -v 'npm run watch'
tmux split-window -h 'cd ~/src/200ok/some-service/front-end; npm run start'
tmux attach-session -d
echo "Supported commands: \n"
echo " - startup: Starts tmux, docker-compose, back-end and front-end"
So now I only have to start startup
and I get three terminals in
one, all already running the right services.