Amazon AWS has a nice command line client for their public cloud. This client is very well suited for automating tasks in many IaaS DevOps scenarios. However, it can also be used by a person. The scenarios to do so might be different than for automation, though.

A common scenario for looking into S3 is to want to list files ordered by date and including metadata. On a Unix machine, this would be an ls -lt. If it's a very long list of files, you might want to cap the list - which again is very easy to achieve, for example with ls -lt | head -n 10.

Those two things are easy on a Unix machine, but not so straight forward on Amazon S3. Amazon does have an ls command which will list all files within [BUCKET]:

aws s3 ls s3://[BUCKET]

It is totally feasible to pipe the result of this command into head -n X. It does have serious drawbacks, though, because you might have a lot of files on S3:

  1. You will first request all files over the network which will take a while and then remove most of them. Waiting for lots of irrelevant data to come over the wire is not efficient use of your time.
  2. To list things actually does come with a price tag on S3! Meaning that if you have lots of data on S3 and you're doing this a lot, then you will pay for data that you never use, but discard. This might not be a lot of money depending on how many requests you have to do, but still.

Next to aws s3, which only implements the most high level features such as cp and mv, there is a more powerful API aws s3api. With this API you can write queries and limit the amount of objects returned. Queries can include the LastModified timestamp. Limiting on this timestamp is not the same as ordering by time (as in ls -lt), but it's the closest you will get to this functionality on S3.

aws s3api list-objects \
--bucket "[BUCKET]" \
--query 'Contents[?LastModified>=`2017-04-10`][].{Key: Key, Size:
Size, LastModified: LastModified}'