Redux is a popular choice when it comes to dealing with state in larger single page applications. But even smaller applications might benefit from a redux architecture. I will show you how to implement redux in less than 30 lines of ClojureScript to get a clean application structure and to reduce cognitive load.


(ns redux.reducer)

(defmulti Action
  (fn [state action]
    (:type action)))


AWS S3 has a great, but little known functionality: You can request metadata about the content of the bucket in XML. This makes it a great storage space for all kinds of batch oriented applications. No need for a self-written API.

Requesting the metadata is easy, it’s just a GET request to the root of the buckets’ URL: http://[bucket_name]

The response will look like this:


During the 3 day Hack4glarus Hackathon, we had the pleasure to do an interview with the newspaper Südostschweiz. This is a copy of the German article (Südostschweiz (PDF), Südostschweiz (Web)).

Computerfreaks tüfteln für das digitale Wohl der Glarner

Zum ersten Mal hat an diesem Wochenende in Linthal ein «Hackathon» stattgefunden. IT-Interessierte aus nah und fern tüftelten an Projekten, die dem Glarnerland einen Nutzen bringen sollen.

von Olga Shostak (Text und Bilder), Südostschweiz | Montag, 4. Dezember 2017

Bescheidene Platzverhältnisse: Alles, was die Teilnehmer am «Hackathon» brauchen, ist ein Platz für den Laptop.

Betritt man die Eingangshalle der...

As part of our ongoing effort in giving back to the open source community, we are happy to announce that we just released our newest product - Swiss Crowdfunder - as open source community edition.

Why did we do it?

Crowdfunding using established platforms can be very expensive. Usually, there is a fee of 12-20% that has to be paid. Swiss Crowdfunder is fully open source - therefore it can be used by anyone to start their own crowdfunding platform or campaign.

Open source

Swiss Crowdfunder is released under the popular AGPL license, has a contribution guide as...

Hack4Glarus( is the first hackathon of Glarus. It is your chance to meet & hack with geniuses of Switzerland. It is all about technology and fun.

This event is hosted at a great location (same as the launch of and is hosted by our friends from ungleich glarus ag.

We from 200ok will be there as well - as are our friends from the Insopor Zen Academy. Join us for three great days of hacking, fun and learning!

Join the event now on the dedicated page, on Facebook or on Meetup.

More information


We just released our newest product: Swiss Crowdfunder

Swiss Crowdfunder is a joint product that we built together with our good friends from ungleich glarus ag. As the name implies it is a crowdfunding platform, but with a twist! Whereas traditional crowdfunding campaign supporters will only receive certain goodies (like stickers, t-shirts or even newly created products), supporters on Swiss Crowdfunder can actually invest in companies.

Equity funding (or crowdinvestment) enables the supporters to effectively buy shares from an otherwise not publicly traded company. Therefore it is a great option to raise money for companies on the one hand, but...

Today we are going to write a bot using Clojure to beat the game 2048. We are going to use a variation of the minimax algorithm called expectimax.

1. game rules

You can merge tiles by merging the whole board either horizontally or vertically. If you manage to get the 2048 tile, you win. After a merge (= player’s turn), a tile will appear randomly on an empty slot. The chance of that tile being a 4 is 0.1, the chance of it being a 2 is 0.9. After reaching the 2048 you can keep playing and...

Happy to be coworking with our friends from ungleich glarus ag in Linthal, Glarus on our new joint venture: Glarner Crowdfunding AG.

As an added bonus, we have the best working conditions we could ever ask for.

Come and join us any time for a coffee, a tea or a coworking session in our offices in Glarus or Schwanden.

I’m happy to be able to share one of the building blocks of the software solution I’m currently working on: fsdb - a Clojure library that provides a reasonably convenient database on top of the file system.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about a file system database like sqlite here. I’m using the term database loosly. Think of a bunch of config files that make up a database that you want to query. That’s what fsdb can do for you. You point it to a directory and it reads the data from the directory tree and returns a...